Today I am writing about a guy I know who is in the people business.

Has there ever been someone that you looked up to and respected, who greets with a smile, a guy who keeps his promises and is reassuring with no B.S.? A person you can trust, who always has a good story to tell, one who is a real people person?

I’m thinking of a man whose morals and ethics I respect. This guy sings in church. A man who travels more than many of half his years. This late 70s age dude loves what he does enough that he has committed to working until he is 80. To be fair, he qualifies that with “as long as I am still having fun”.

The Man, the Myth, the Legend: this guy is Don Uglow.

One of my favorite people, Don is in the people business, but also happens to be in the optical sorting equipment business. The kind of optical sorter that will purify your bulk seed by removing defects of light, dark, shape and most any color in the spectrum. Seems like a tall order to promise all the fixings, right?

Like you, I am skeptical about performance promises. For the last 20 plus years, I have had the pleasure of working with Don, and learning that this optical sorting equipment does all the things Don promises.

Any optical sorter can make an average sort look easy. The magic of this Buhler brand optical sorter is that it can make easy work of the tough sorts. Super high-resolution cameras, plus more quantity of more focused air ejectors just flat out translates into a superior sort.

From what I can see, Don hasn’t missed a step. I thought we might lose him to our business when he lost his wife some years back, but Don being Don, he charged on. Cheers to Don!

Do me a favor: before he retires, give Don a shout, ask him about the magic of these optical sorters. Better yet, buy him a Guinness if you have the opportunity. See if you don’t agree that Don is what helps make this seed industry an enjoyable place to be.