Earth first, we’ll convey the rest of the planets later. I am very pleased to announce that for now, we are only providing belt conveyors to our customers on planet earth.

Back in 2007, I found myself spending a lot of time at a job site in Illinois. I stayed in the same town and hotels as a bunch of pipeline workers. You know, the guys that bury large pipes into the ground. Every night, the truck tailgates in the parking lot were down, the beer coolers were open, and the smell of BBQ was in the air. The social lubricant in the cans we held led to some fun conversations. The hard-working pipeline guys and this seed plant guy with office hands had some commonalities. I think we were in the same pond, but in different boats. One evening I noticed a bumper sticker that read, “Earth First, We’ll Pipe The Rest of the Planets Later.” We had just started manufacturing our O’Mara Ag belt conveyors in earnest, maybe a year or so before. Since that time, I have remembered that bumper sticker and held its fun connotation close. What does it really mean? I couldn’t wait to use the saying somehow myself, so here it is today.

The where, why or how of your application, conveyors are important to us: be it shelled corn, soybeans, sunflowers, popcorn or ear corn that you need to convey; be it horizontal, inclined, declined, shuttling, tripper conveying; be it high profile, low profile, pan idler, tri-roller, bi-roller, slider bed, round bottom, sorting table, treated seed drying, bag handling, bag slitting, screw conveying, or bucket elevating, CONVEYING makes up a large part of our business every single day.

I do work hard, but I have a great team of folks behind me making sure things are right. My name is on our equipment, I own the store, and I plan to make sure the equipment is right for you. These conveyors fit the realities of our market. They are better by design, heavy-duty is standard design and seedsmanship is considered throughout the design. The equipment is installer-friendly, user-friendly, service-friendly, and pocketbook-friendly.

If you are still with me, thank you for reading this far. We look forward to helping you with your conveying needs on this planet and on to the next planet when you are ready.

Seed World Article