à la carte: a menu or list with a separate price for each item offered on the menu.

Ordering from an à la carte list of options is a great way to get things, unless it makes the price too high, right? I was explaining this approach to how we do business to a friend. I was describing how we let our customers determine our level of involvement.

“Hmmm, à la carte?” he said

“Exactly!” I said. We have had that approach for a long time, but I hadn’t really put it into those words. Offering a full menu of products and services for seed conditioning plants, from nuts and bolts to turn-key, but letting the customer choose from the menu. That’s how we do it!”

“Package” deals may have everything in there, but what if you don’t need or want everything? Do you already own an air screen cleaner that you would like to use? Do you want to self-perform the installation? Does your brother-in-law have an earth moving or concrete business to support? Have you always relied on your local electrician to wire and control your plant? Let’s take those items out of the package and help you save some greenbacks.

Do you prefer a more horizontal, user-friendly flow to your plant? Then let’s eliminate all the heavy structural steel cost needed to put it up in the air. Can we allow space for an optical sorter or gravity separator now and allow you to spend the equipment dollars later? Can we feed this bin from an existing, distant bucket elevator without compromising seedsmanship ? These are some of the questions you need to ask as you look over the menu.

The menu doesn’t always tell you where you will get the best service or the right portions. For that, you’ll need to ask friends or colleagues.

I like to leave room for dessert. But now it’s dinner time, and all this menu talk has me hungry.

Bon Appetit

Seed World Article